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Healthcare system in Finland


Public health care 


 In Finland, cosmopolises are responsible for organising and financing health care. A megacity can organise services by furnishing them itself or in collaboration with other cosmopolises or copping services from private companies or fromorganisations.However, treatment can also be bought from abroad, If necessary. 

Health services are divided into primary health care and specialised medical care. Primary health care services are handed at external health centres. 


 Specialised medical care is generally handed at hospitals. Cosmopolises form sanitarium sections that are responsible for furnishing specialised medical care in their area. In addition, joint external authorities belong to five catchment areas for largely specialised medical care, which are formed around the University Hospitals of Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Oulu and Kuopio. The most demanding treatment is handed in these. 

The treatment of some demanding rare ails or conditions has been centralised nationally in one sanitarium or healthcare unit. The treatment of children with natural heart conditions (Helsinki University Central Hospital, HUCH), organ transplants (HUCH), severe becks (HUCH) and hyperbaric oxygen remedy (Turku University Central Hospital) are some exemplifications. 


 The health services that the megacity must give are laid down independently in the applicable Act. The cosmopolises can, within the limits of legislation, determine the compass and content of services and decide on how they will be handed. For this reason, there may be megacity-specific differences in services. 

The treatment of a case is handed in either primary health care or specialised medical care depending on the position of care they bear. The croaker assesses the need for treatment and, if necessary, refers the case to specialised medical care. Cases can not choose themselves whether the treatment they bear is handed in the primary health care or specialised medical care system. Cases can, still, choose the health centre responsible for treatment and the unit furnishing specialised medical care (Opens in a new tab). 


 Private health care 

 Private health services complement External services, furnishing further than a quarter of all social and health services in Finland. Private service providers, i.e. companies, independent interpreters, organisations and foundations, may vend their services to cosmopolises, to joint external authorities or directly to guests. Private drivers give both primary health care and specialised medical care services. In Finland, private health services are incompletely subsidised with public finances since Kela pays payment for medical charges (Opens in a new tab). 


 Private healthcare companies must apply for a licence for their operations from a Regional State Administrative Agency or the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). A licence isn't demanded when a healthcare professional provides services as an independent guru. Still, independent interpreters must report their conditioning to the Regional State Administrative Agency. Certified healthcare professional must have a licence granted by Valvira to exercise their profession. 



 There are multitudinous organisations in Finland that give social and health services for colorful case and customer groups. The services condense public healthcare, and their end can be, for illustration, to promote public health or support cases in managing with their complaint or illness. Peer support and moxie by experience are pivotal to the conditioning handed by organisations. The conditioning of the third sector aren't benefit driven and are constantly grounded on voluntary work. 

The marquee organisation for social and health sectornon-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Finland is SOSTE. Information about social weal and health sector NGOs has been collected on the website of SOSTE (Opens in a new tab). 


 Healthcare professionals 

Healthcare professionals in Finland are divided into licensed professionals and professionals with a defended occupational title (Opens in a new tab). Licensing means that an existent has completed a training programme laid down in the applicable legislation and rulings and has been authorised to work in the profession in question and to use the occupational title in question. The licence is granted by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). 


 Information on all certified healthcare professionals is entered in JulkiTerhikki (Opens in a new tab), the registered database maintained by Valvira. The register is public and open to everyone. You can check the professional qualifications of the person who treated you. The register contains information on the existent’s enrollment number and professional practise rights. 

The professions with defended occupational titles may also be rehearsed by those who else retain the needful training, experience and capability. A healthcare professional with a defended occupational title doesn't inescapably bear authorisation by Valvira to use a defended occupational title. Information on persons using a defended occupational title is entered in JulkiTerhikki. 


 The authority must notify the authorities of other EU countries if the operations of a health care professional are limited or banned. 

Steering of health care 


 In Finland, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (STM) is responsible for social and health policy and prepares legislation. The ministry steers health care in collaboration with the agencies and institutions under it. Agencies under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health include 

the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) the Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authoritythe Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). 

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